Partners for your training needs

industrial plant exterior industrial plant exterior lab technician worker at water treatment facility ship at port industrial plant exterior
industrial plant exterior industrial plant exterior lab technician worker at water treatment facility ship at port industrial plant exterior

Career Source NE FL logo

CareerSource Northeast Florida, our region’s workforce board, is a leading provider of innovative services for employers and offers candidate sourcing, training services and access to tax incentives.  For businesses looking to relocate to Nassau County, CareerSource serves as your human resource partner during the transition process.  Local representatives can assist you with: 

  • Job analysis and employee assessment tools
  • Customized training
  • Workplace education
  • Outplacement services


The First Coast Manufacturers Association (FCMA), a local professional trade association, assists manufacturing companies coming to the Northeast Florida / Southeast Georgia area and specializes in customized training. FCMA is an advocate for the manufacturing industry whose mission is to be the regional authority and resource for manufacturers, encouraging streamlined processes, creating pathways for a skilled workforce and promoting public awareness of manufacturing's significance.


CareerSource offers recruiting events for local businesses and job seekers. To learn more, click on the image below.

Northeast Florida is Hiring



SHRM Recertification Provider 2018 badge

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